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Heather Green is the author of No Other Rome (Akron Poetry Series, 2021). Her poems have appeared in AGNI, Bennington Review, Denver Quarterly, Everyday Genius, The New Yorker, and elsewhere. 


She is the translator of Tristan Tzara's Noontimes Won (Octopus Books, 2018), Guide to the Heart Rail (Goodmorning Menagerie, 2017), and Speaking Alone (forthcoming).  Her translations of Tzara's work have appeared in Asymptote, GuernicaPoetry InternationalPloughshares, and AGNI and are forthcoming from On the Seawall. Her writing on translation, poetry, and fiction has appeared in the Hopscotch Translation journal and on Poetry Daily, where she serves on the editorial board. Her translations, have received a Hemingway grant, a French Voices award, and, in 2023, her translation of Isabelle Sorente's The Woman and the Falcon won the inaugural Albertine Translation Prize in Fiction.


Recently, Green served as a reviewer for the Poetry Foundation's Harriet Books and a juror for the National Book Critics Circle's inaugural Barrios Prize for a book translated into English and the 2023 National Translation Award. She is currently the Visual Editor for Asymptote, a journal of international literature.


Green teaches as an Assistant Professor in the School of Art at George Mason University and a member of the poetry faculty of the Chesapeake Writers' Conference and Cedar Crest College's Pan-European MFA program.


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